Is the 'Generality Factor' limiting your business?
There is a certain rule in marketing that should not be overlooked.
You have no doubt heard it before—most people have—but few businesses actually embrace it.
What I’m talking about is what I refer to as the ‘Generality Factor.’
You know—the attempt to keep your business offerings so broad in the hope that you appeal to everyone and don’t turn anyone away….because you’ll get more clientele that way, right? WRONG!
Being general just makes your marketing wishy-washy at best and, as a result, you end up appealing to no-one.
This is particularly problematic in the luxury sector, as affluent clientele do not seek what the masses have. By attempting to appeal to everyone, you close the door on high-end clientele who desire personalization, unique experiences, and exclusivity.
And, here’s the thing: you simply cannot be everything to everyone, no matter how hard you try.
Think of your own life for example…
There are certain foods you love and ones you avoid, there are certain hobbies you enjoy and others you would never entertain, and there are certain places you would like to visit and others that don’t make your bucket list.
That’s normal. It’s human. And so are your clientele.
You cannot expect everyone to want what you have to offer. Moreover, by attempting to appeal to everyone, your brand and message become diluted and your ideal clientele will never know that you have something perfect for THEM.
It’s time to ditch the ‘Generality Factor’ and I know that takes trust.
Yes—narrowing your target market does reduce the number of people likely to buy from you, but it will actually increase the number of people who do buy from you.
Instead, of trying to play it safe and keeping everything broad and general, take the time to get to know who your real, die-hard clientele are—the ones who follow your every move, anticipate your emails, are waiting for your next product release, and can’t wait to share your success with their friendship circle—and then niche down and focus only on them.
Get started now by reviewing your branding and messaging, and ask yourself these questions:
Does this address my ideal clientele niche specifically?
Will my ideal clientele immediately know this is for them?
Can I delete content that is too general? (I bet you can!)
Can I add content to better connect with my ideal clientele?
Take this bold move in the direction of your niche and let people start to know you as a specialist. It makes all the difference, you’ll see.